Crossways is not your garden variety kind of development – it’s a fully-fledged town in the making!

Towns need people. People who engage with one another. People who produce things and deliver services.

If your pioneering spirit is tapping you on the shoulder right about now. If living in a slower-paced economy such as Crossways’ is what you’ve been dreaming about – then best you secure one of the few remaining commercially zoned sites while you still can.

Contact Mariaan and her team for more information on how you can set up your business in South Africa’s first contemporary rural new town.

Ask them about the inspiring small-town architectural trends from around the world – such as the work-live units in XW Main street – which are all part of the plans.

Mariaan Coetzee

Sales Manager

+27 83 788 0926

Marisa Möller

Sales Consultant

+27 84 508 3282

Sandra Barkhuysen

Sales Field Representative

+27 83 320 2974